
Here at FairLoc, there’s nothing we love more than chewing the cud with real people from all walks of life, and with all kinds of questions, queries and comments about FairLoc and the work that we do. So whether you have a question about how FairLoc works or you just want to share your ruminations on last night’s TV, please feel very welcome to get in touch!

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    Whistleblower contact form

    Here at FairLoc, we rely greatly on the integrity and trustworthiness of our partners, but as with any system or certification scheme, there will always be a few bad apples who try and circumvent the checks and balances in place. Thank you for sharing whatever information you may have about any misuse of the FairLoc stamp.

    To share your information with us, please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch should we require any further details, and to let you know the outcome of your report.